We all want to be confident and assertive, being able to move through life with ease, to feel excited by new opportunities. The way we see ourselves is very often influenced by our past experiences, good and bad, by our family, friends, works colleagues and, in a no small way, by the social media.
Very often low self-confidence goes hand in hand with low self-esteem, but they are not the same thing. Confidence relates to how we behave, how we see our abilities. Self-esteem refers to the way how we feel about ourselves.
Assertiveness very often is linked to confidence and self-esteem. It relates to the way you communicate with your friends, colleagues, family, being self-assured and confident in expressing your views without being aggressive.
During our first session we will identify your main stumbling blocks to improving your confidence and assess the best way to address them. This will be followed by use of the deeply relaxed state of hypnosis to change the way you feel about yourself. The memories from your happy times will help to re-enforce and improve your feelings about yourself.
Life is a bit of a rollercoaster, sometimes our confidence takes a bit of a knock.
I’ll give you skills to allow you to approach life with self-assurance, to welcome change and to feel excited again about your life.